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Frequently Asked Questions:

What makes SFAS so special?


  • Teachers who view their students not only as scholars, but also as friends.

  • Kids who have learned the benefits of teamwork, cooperation, loyalty, and the power of prayer.

  • Parents who care enough to make Christian education available to their children.

  • Activities like morning worship, Week of Prayer, and community outreach programs.

  • An atmosphere where students learn and work together with teachers and staff who share common values.

How well do SFAS students perform academically?


  • SFAS report cards show a significant number of students doing above-average work under a rigorous grading system.

  • Many SFAS students are reading a year above their grade level.

  • National test scores indicate that elementary students at SFAS continue to learn and grow, placing them above the national average.

  • Students from SFAS are well prepared for the following grade in school.

  • A high percentage of Adventist school graduates go on to become high school honor roll students.

Why does it cost so much to attend SFAS?​


  • Private schools are not subsidized as are local public schools. However, the Central California Conference and Bay Area churches subsidize the education of SFAS students to alleviate some of the cost passed on to the families.

  • We offer SFAS students more options than many other schools, including integrated technology; an expanded library; and healthy, vegetarian meals.

  • The cost for current textbooks, up-to-date technology, and physical plant upkeep has escalated at a higher rate than inflation.

  • Rising insurance costs, to cover liability on the playground and on field trips, for example, take a sizeable chunk of school budgets.

  • We believe that your child gets a better education when he or she can spend more personal time with the teacher. SFAS boasts a low teacher-student ratio, because we place personal attention as a priority.

Are SFAS teachers as qualified as public school teachers?​


  • All full-time teachers at SFAS are required by the General Conference to have the same type of certification as public school teachers.

  • SFAS teachers take advantage of continuing education programs during the summer to keep current on advances in the field of education.

  • A higher percentage of Christian teachers have graduate degrees than teachers in the public sector.

  • The Central California Conference and SFAS administration maintain an ongoing program that evaluates teacher performance and provides in-service workshops to ensure and enhance the quality of Christian education.

How does supporting SFAS help my church?​


  • Studies show a direct link between education in Adventist schools and membership retention.

  • Supporting Christian education demonstrates a commitment to traditional Christian values.

  • Utilizing the school's resources enhances the worship program of the local church with music, Sabbath School participation, multigenerational interaction and much more.

  • The school creates a community where Christian youth can interact in a Christian environment.

  • Adventist schools prepare the next generation of witnesses for God's love.

  • A successful church school program can increase membership by attracting families who value Christian education.

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